Calendar (Holy Days)

We believe the entire Bible is relevant and includes the "Old Testament" law (or instruction - called "Torah"), which was partially fulfilled through Yeshua's death (with the remainder to be fulfilled at His return); but, as even He claimed, the Torah was by no means done away with (Matthew 5:17). The meanings and principles behind every practice of the Torah still apply to us today and include, among many things, the recognition of Yehovah's commanded annual Holy Days (Leviticus 23), which were ordained (set apart) by the Heavenly Father to be kept forever (even into the coming Kingdom - Zechariah 14:16)! Many who decide to keep the Biblical Festival days do so based on the modern Hebrew Calendar (and this is certainly a positive step). It is our belief, however, that the calculations and rules applied to the architecture of the Hebrew Calendar are man-made and not fully based on Biblical instruction causing the Festival dates to vary slightly from their intended dates.

Below, please find links to my personal papers of study regarding the Biblical calendar as given in the scriptures. The mathematical concept of a fixed calendar of days based on rules is a modern concept that has distorted our perception of times and seasons used within the Scriptures. The Bible does not give a calendar based on mathematics, but rather on the observation of celestial objects: the sun for determining days, the moon for months and the seasonal harvests for years. Calculated calendars (including the Hebrew calendar) use the average length of days, months and years and are calculated using unseen mathematical concepts (such as solar midnight or lunar conjunction) to determine the complete cycles to be averaged. These averages are then placed into a repeating table that then must be adjusted (leap days and months) to better align with celestial movements. By applying timezones and datelines, everyone can then rely upon these mathematical averages to then result in a consistent pattern that can be predicted far into the future. This concept of time, though, is not Biblical! You cannot prove any calendar from scripture based on mathematics. Additionally, there are other man-made rules that further adjust the Hebrew Calendar for convenience that are also not Biblically based. Rather, the Biblical calendar is based on visible signs that indicate the start of days, months and years. There are no datelines or timezones, but rather the celestial signs that are continually in a state of flux and change controlled by the Creator - the one in charge of times and seasons.

A calendar based on observation is not a new concept (including observing the Seventh-Day Sabbath that begins by observing sundown)! Several modern calendars are based on observation and have been historically for centuries - including the Islamic calendar and the Karaite Jewish calendar (Yes, all Jews do not keep the Hebrew Calendar). Historically, observing signs has slowly converted into mathematical methods over many centuries, slowly adopting man-made rules, both before (in the institution of Pagan & Babylonian names for months) and after the death of Yeshua the Messiah. It is not until the Jews were exiled from the Promised Land in the Fourth Century of the Common Era that we find documentation of a rabbinically (Pharisaical) calculated calendar that eventually led to the creation of the modern, mathematically-based, Hebrew Calendar.

We believe that Yah's original method of observation, supported by scripture, trumps any calculated average of any Biblical sign in order to determine the true calendar of the Bible. By adding man-made rules not directly supported by scripture goes against Biblical principle of adding or subtracting from the laws of God. The Biblical reference of the new moon has always been defined historically (as well as in Jewish history) as being the thin visible crescent as the light upon the surface is renewed in its monthly cycle (meaning of the Hebrew word Chodesh). The Bible gives us a direct command to begin our years with the Abib (ripened) barley harvest (the first of seasonal crops harvested every year). For a detailed study on this subject, please view my paper The Mathematical Bias of the Biblical Calendar.

For 2014, the searches in the Fertile Crescent region reported no Aviv barley prior to the New Moon confirmed on March 2nd. This adds a 13th intercalary month with the first day of the Aviv New Moon in late March (which is expected on the evening of March 31st starting in Israel). Therefore, the expected Annual Festival Dates will be as follows (all days begin at sundown the evening before date posted):

^ - Regions east of Israel will observe the following date (based on global trumpet call)
# Based on barley within Promised Land (Israel) region
* High Day of Convocation (no regular work)

It would then be assumed that the Seventh New Moon of 2014 will first be seen in Australia on Thursday evening, September 25th, marking the arrival of the Fall Festivals on the following dates for all locations worldwide excluding Israel which is expected to have a one-day delay for those following a restricted observation (all days begin at sundown the evening before date posted):

^ - Dates based on a global trumpet call (Israel-based observers will keep the following date)
* High Day of Convocation (no regular work)

I welcome any feedback you may have (both for and against an observed calendar and/or the Hebrew calendar) or any other topic as iron sharpens iron and discussions can only help all of us to better achieve perfection no matter how imperfect we are currently.

Crescent Moon Sighting

For the latest report of crescent sightings and for resources giving statistical information and visual reports, please visit my Crescent Moon Sighting Report page. See the current Biblical Month Wall Calendar.

If you would like to provide future reports, I welcome anyone to serve as witnesses to the sighting of the new moon crescent by submitting your sighting via e-mail. Together, as Yah's people, we can all be of one accord with the blowing of a trumpet to communicate to all of His people when the new moon has occurred (Numbers 10:10). We will also post our own sightings from time-to-time for your reference.